TMC First Aid Training

The TMC team participated in First Aid training at the Australian Well Control Centre (AWCC).

As an organisation, it is imperative that all team members have the necessary knowledge to ensure a safe and responsible workplace.

The training was split into two stages: The first half of the day was Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training and the other half of the course was basic First Aid training. The team was taught the importance of legalities, duty of care and the method of DRSABCD. After training, an assessment test took place to test everybody’s understanding on First Aid training.

By the end of the day, the team received their Certificates of Attainment and left with critical knowledge that is capable of administering first aid. TMC Managing Director, Murray Saylor, shared “the training enhances the safety knowledge of the team whether in the workplace or when we are operating in the community”.

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