Volunteer Queensland First Nation Roundtable

Today, the Tagai Management Consultants team facilitated the Volunteering Queensland First Nation roundtable with a group of action oriented Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders and professionals from Southeast Queensland.

Tagai Management Consultants working in collaboration with Queensland University of Technology on a project funded by Volunteering Queensland to understand how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ may become more involved in and benefit from volunteering activities.

In brief, as part of Volunteering Queensland 5-year Volunteer Management Activity, Volunteering Queensland is seeking to understand the barriers to volunteering for First Nations people and identify solutions to make volunteering more accessible to Australian First Nation peoples.

Their were many insightful thoughts and experiences shared from the forum which covered a range of areas, including (but not limited to):

  • Volunteering is a 24 hour / 7 days a week activity;

  • The term volunteering is not used amongst Indigenous communities; and

  • The challenge of family obligation versus social/cultural responsibility.

Tagai Management Consultants would like to thank you all participants for taking time out of their day to participate in the Roundtable discussion.

All the data and information collected from the project will used by Volunteering Queensland to develop Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander focused volunteering initiatives.

Tagai Management Consultants is a award winning management consultancy specialising in Procurement /Supply Chain, Stakeholder Engagement, Business advisory and Innovative Futures services across Australia and the Asia/Pacific region. We are focused on empowering relationships and working with our customers to enhance their commercial and social outcomes within their supply chain and across communities. Get in contact with us today.

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