DYJESBT 2023 Multicultural Small Business Expo
Tagai Management Consultants attended the Multicultural Small Business Expo hosted by the Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business, Training and Skills Development at the Business Convention Centre, Eight Mile Plains.
Approximately 250 people attended the Expo which featured speakers, information stalls, workshops and panel discussions. Tagai management Consultants services are focused supporting the diversity sector and working with Government, private sector and communities to create realistic sustainable social impact and innovative inclusive procurement.
TMC Managing Director, Murray Saylor spoke to attendees in his capacity as a Queensland Small Business Advisory Council member. Businesses and Expo stall holders pitched their business offerings and shared their challenges and opportunities. of which the major themes are listed below:
Education and training - small business, procurement, employment, what is available?, who can help me?;
Capital and finance options and avenues;
Overcoming the challenges experienced in home countries and how to resettle in Australia; and
Willingness to connect with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ and businesses.
If are seeking any business related information about how to do business in Queensland head over to the Business Queensland website and there are various industry related information, grants, tools, etc.
Daniel Segura - Thrive Refugee Enterprise
Pushpa Vaghella - Leadership by Design
Tagai Management Consultants is a award winning management consultancy specialising in Procurement /Supply Chain, Stakeholder Engagement, Business advisory and Innovative Futures services across Australia and the Asia/Pacific region. We are focused on empowering relationships and working with our customers to enhance their commercial and social outcomes within their supply chain and across communities. Get in contact with us today.